We propose a chunk of Alpine Organic Parmigiano Reggiano DOP aged 36 months obtained by cutting the wheel into 32 pieces by rigorously applying the stone-cut method. Its seasoning may be distinguished by the colour, more intense than that aged 24 months presented in the usual vacuum heat-shrinking packaging that can be well preserved in the fridge for 6-8 months.
In its 36-month aged version (old) this is the ideal product for those who are allergic to lactose. Its friability and granularity are obtained through this long ageing process. Compared to the 24-month aged cheese, it is drier and its taste sharper and very intense. It is distinguished by the quite evident presence of crystals of an amino acid, tyrosine. And it is precisely this amino acid that causes the vaguely sandy feeling experienced when one bits into this Parmigiano Reggiano DOP which, nevertheless, does not lose the typical sweetness of the organic raw ham made by the Brugnoli Family.
The nutritive value during the long ageing period changes in a natural manner, to give the product its exceptional qualities and high digestibility. Parmigiano Reggiano DOP, in fact, contains no sugar because during the hours that follow the cheese making a quick proliferation of milk bacteria occurs, that yeast both lactose and galactose. While, over the months, proteins transform into peptic and amino acids that are simple, easily digestible elements. The fat content of Parmigiano Reggiano DOP chiefly consists of short chain fatty acids easily absorbed and therefore capable of supplying energy very quickly.
36-month aged Parmigiano Reggiano DOP fragrance, sweetness, agreeableness are enhanced with almond nuances. With this considerable ageing the cheese appearance is drier, more friable and grainy.
36-month aged Parmigiano Reggiano DOP is ideal for end of meals, served in slivers with honey, preserves or slices of fruit in season.
The most varied pairings and contrasting affinities can be dared. Perfect in slivers with few drops of seasoned balsamic vinegar.
The character of a 36-month aged Parmigiano Reggiano DOP goes well with both red wines with a full body and white wines, and Champagne, of course.
At this maturation stage, the limited humidity makes it possible to preserve the cheese without altering its initial characteristics for a long time. Wound up into absorbent kitchen paper and then covered by a further aluminium foil, the product kept in the lower shelf of the fridge will enjoy you for several months with all its fragrance.